Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's Wedding Season! How to Celebrate Without Going Broke.

(photo: jayreillyweddings.com)
Wedding season is upon us.  There's the engagement party, wedding shower, bachelor/bachelorette parties, the actual wedding and hotel rooms for the out of town wedding.  Chances are you have at least three or four weddings coming up this summer, adding to a total of about 20 events.  And if you're in the wedding party, even more.  Of course, you love the couples that are getting married and want to be there to celebrate every moment with them.  At the same time, you are worried about being able afford more than Ramen Noodles by the time you've been to all the events.  At least, that's how I'm feeling.  So here are some tips on how to prevent a year of Ramen for dinner and still be able to enjoy all the wedding festivities.

Go in with others on the wedding shower gift.  If I know other friends going to the wedding shower, I will offer to go in on one nice big gift for the bride and groom.  That way it's less expensive for each person, but the couple still gets something really nice.

The bachelor/bachelorette party, you don't have to do it all.  If there is a dinner, an event after dinner and even more partying after that, you can just pick and choose.  I think it's perfectly acceptable to let them know that you can only make it for dinner or that you'll meet up after for drinks.  That way you are still celebrating with them, but can keep the cost within reason. 

Preparing for Wedding Day.  Thankfully, it is not a requirement to buy a new dress or suit for every wedding you go to.  However, I'm not going to lie, I'll look for any excuse to buy new clothes.  But there's a way to do it on a budget.  If you have the simple black dress (yes, black is ok to wear to a wedding, but white is still a no-no), buy a new necklace, earrings or even a pair of heels, making it look like a whole new outfit.  If you have a suit, just get a different button down or tie to change things up. 

(photo: weddingnuance.com)
 Wedding Bells, Time for the Wedding Day Gift.  Now is the main event and you'll need to bring your wedding gift.  I always wonder what the appropriate amount to give is, especially if I'm bringing a guest.  So I did some research and here's what I found:  According to the Wedding Gift Ettiquette Guide on smartmoney.com, you should plan on spending about $75, double that if you are bringing a guest.  It also says that if it is a close friend or relative, $100-150 should be given.  Some other factors that they mention to factor in are your personal budget, if you have numerous weddings in a short period of time and whether it is a destination wedding because the couple understands you spent money on travel and hotel to be with them.  I personally prefer the answer I found on http://www.topweddingquestions.com/, which said that the gift should not be based on the cost per plate at the wedding but that the gift should be "from the heart and within your budget."  I have friends that have created beautiful paintings for weddings gifts, accompanied by a smaller check.  Those types of gifts can often mean the most to a couple.  :)

Staying at the Hotel.  The bride and groom usually reserve some rooms for guests at a nearby hotel for a discounted rate, but it can still be pricey.  If the wedding is in a bigger town, you can go online and look for a hotel nearby with a cheaper rate.  I do this when I don't really know anyone else at the wedding and don't mind not staying with all the other guests.  My favorite sites for finding hotel deals are travelocity.com and expedia.com.  Another alternative if you do know other guests, would be to reach out ahead of time and see if anyone is willing to split a room with you. 

Lastly, these people love you and that's why you were invited.  Meaning, they'll understand if you aren't able to spend hundreds of dollars on gifts and celebrations.  What matters most is that you are there to share the special moment with them.

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