Monday, November 14, 2011

Extreme Couponing Update...I'm tired

It's been one week since my trial run of couponing.  I have spent a total of 4.5 hours clipping coupons, looking up store prices and organizing.  It's exhausting.  Here is what I've noticed so far:

This is so Freakin' Time Consuming:  This process takes so much work and so much time that I wonder how the people on the the show "Extreme Couponing" do it.  They must not have full time jobs.

Sometimes There are Better Deals Than Using a Coupon:  So you spend all this time getting the coupons together and then you realize that a generic brand at Walmart or Target is cheaper than a name brand with a coupon..lame.  So it can feel like you do all this work for no reason.

Buying Large Quantities is the Best Deal.  Most of the time, you get the best deal when you buy large amounts.  For example, if something is 10  for $10 at the store and then you have a coupon on top of that, you're going to pay next to nothing.  But I am one person and in a small home.  I don't have the need or space for large amounts of anything.  Fail.

On the Bright Side....  OK, so it may not be possible for me to ever be the extreme of couponers, but I'm still saving myself a lot of money.  Yesterday, I used $7.75 worth of coupons at Walmart and spent $63 (I should mention that pets are really expensive).  At Target, I saved $3.27 and spent $8.58.

Dominick's is My New Best Friend:  My biggest savings of all came from Dominick's, where I saved $15.12 and spent $12.39.  Saving more than I spent was quite exciting.  Dominick's has a program online so you can put the coupons on your Fresh Values card, and they also have special deals that are only online for you.  I got a free carton of eggs for no apparent reason.  They also honor other store prices and you can load those deals onto your card, too.  I printed out my shopping list from their site, didn't have to carry any coupons with me and saved a bunch of money.  Yay!    

One week down and 7 weeks to go.  Maybe I'll get better at it by then.  Happy shopping!

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